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9x Outdoor spots for a well-deserved beer

It's Sunday morning, the sun's out, and you're ready to roll. Hop on your bike, go for a ride, and settle down on one of these nine sunny outdoor cafés for a well-deserved beer. We know you can do it!

Proeflokaal De Gaper

The best place to park your bike and recharge all those burnt calories is at Wilhelminaplein. You can catch your breath on the sunny outdoor space of Proeflokaal De Gaper. You can taste the pub's rich history in their perfectly tapped beer.

Café Wilhelmina

In case you want to write down those extra 15 meters, you can crash down at café Wilhelmina. This place deserves the honor of 'Best Cycling Café.' As a proud sponsor of several cycling clubs, they have managed to make the Eindhoven Joop Zoetemelkers feel right at home since 1977. Almost stuck to their bikes (and chairs), so to say.

Tapperij De Bierelier

Park your (t)rusty two-wheeler at Tapperij de Bierlier. True to its name, a draft beer awaits you at the bar. No matter the weather, the cheering glasses always sound like summer at this cozy spot. Don't know what beer to get? Our suggestion: a white beer on tap.



As the winner of the race, your Kwaremont at Cyklist tastes even better! Combine that victory with a vegetarian bitterbal and some sun, and you're all set. Too tired to get back on your bike? Watch Mathieu van der Poel win his next medal on the big screen. The aspiring cyclists among us (or those with breakdowns) can pick out a new steel steed at their neighbors: Velorent. Casual cyclist? You can also rent a bike for a day.


You can't race your bike on an empty stomach; we get it. Having a Classic Kees,  a (vegan) hot dog, you will always have the energy to accelerate. Going downhill? Rabauw at Strijp-S is the perfect place for a well-deserved kickback, such as the real Eindhoven beer: the Goeie Arnol.

Brouwerij Het Veem

At the Tour du Strijp, there is always that nail-biting final attack to brewery Het Veem. Leading the group, you can pick a table in advance. And as friendly as you are, the first round is on you! Go for one of the tastings of five different beers, for example. Don't panic! They're just small glasses.

't Rozenknopje

Have you ever wondered why cyclists race back-to-back? Well, the reason is to save energy. Riding in front one at a time makes you go faster. Before you know it, you will arrive at café 't Rozenknopje. After all the tracks and roads, the outdoor patio of De Knop gives you a nice welcome home.

Stadsbrouwerij 100 Watt

100 Watt Stadsbrouwerij

The finish line is just around the corner! At the City Brewery, you are always welcomed with lots of applause. The early birds are best off with a Fine Fleur. A hoppy beer that will cheer you up no matter what. Looking for something stronger? Carry everything home on your luggage rack! Just kidding. The spring beer 'Naar de knoppen' is perfect for your never-going-home tour.

Van Moll

The best way to recover after an intense workout is to cycle for half an hour. However, another option is to order a Triple Trouble from Van Moll. This blonde hunk will make you forget all your aches and pains in no time! This is the perfect thirst quencher with the refreshing flavors of elderflower and orange peel. We can't guarantee it'll stay at one beer, though.