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5x A wild Thursday night

It's Friday morning, and you're pretty hangover, trying to fry an egg in the barely clean dorm kitchen. A dry mouth and a pounding headache define your mood, and you wonder, "Whose phone number is on my forearm?” It's safe to say: Thursday night kicked your ass (in the best way possible)! Ready to go again next week? Of course you are! Hop on your couch with a (large) glass of water, and we'll take you through the five best bars and pubs for next Thursday night. See you there!

Hoogste Tijd

Are you looking for fun, coziness, and good company? Hoogste Tijd (Dutch for ‘High Time’) is the place to be! Here, you're settled for the whole Thursday night: you leave school around 16:00 for your first beer. Around 18:00, you can order an affordable (vegan) dinner, and after, you can drink the night away with your fellow students until midnight. If you're lucky, they will move the tables and chairs to the side, and you can show off your moves.

Hoogste Tijd

De Ballenbak

You need little explanation if you sell the cheapest beer in Stratum. Welcome to De Ballenbak (The Ball Pit - a pun on frat boys): the student pub of Eindhoven. A beer costs only € 1.50 here. Still not convinced? Then go to one of the Na-Tentamen-Feesten (After-Exams-Parties), then you'll be hooked. On Thursday nights, the doors open at 22:00, and if you get in before 01:45, you'll dance until early morning. Don't forget your student ID. They won’t let you in without it!

De Huiskamer Strijp-S

The cozy hotspot of raw Strijp-S and a warm welcome between the high-rise buildings. On Thursday evenings, you're in the right place (on your vintage chair) at De Huiskamer Strijp-S (The Living Room). With a well-stocked games cabinet, you'll never be bored here. In addition, De Huiskamer regularly organizes open-mic sessions where everyone can show their talent. Fancy a dance? Then this is also the place to be. Let’s set grandma's old bench aside and go wild!

De Huiskamer Strijp-S
De Huiskamer Strijp-S


In its short existence, this hotspot at Strijp-S has already proven itself a true domibo (Dutch for Thursday afternoon drinks) paradise. Graving an ice-cold draught beer or a night of dancing? Either way, Biergarten is your final destination. Lining your stomach is certainly no problem here with their well-stocked menu. Grab your friends, sit down at their large outdoor area, and your Thursday afternoon will be a staggering success!

‘t Lempke

You need little introduction if you've won the prize for best party bar in the Netherlands three years in a row. At 't Lempke (The Lightbulb), you dance next to or even on the bar. As the place to be for various student associations, it's great fun here six days a week. On Thursday night, you and your friends ring in the weekend here, and on Friday and Saturday, you have nightly adventures until 04:00 in the morning.

Craving for the night of Eindhoven?

Then this guide is for you! We take you to incredible nightlife spots, the coziest bars, and the best parties. Are you ready?

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