4x Fun Sinterklaas activities

Hurray! Sinterklaas has set foot in the Netherlands, and lucky for you, Eindhoven is on his route again this year. Besides waiting for gifts, there are many more fun activities to celebrate this Dutch holiday. From decorating chocolate letters to visiting a theater show: here's a list of four fun Sinterklaas activities for kids!
Sinterklaas workshops @Heuvel | till 4 December
Always wanted to help Sinterklaas like Piet? Every Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday afternoon, you can attend various Sinterklaas workshops at the Heuvel shopping center. Learn how to make chocolate letters even more festive or decorate a burlap sack! You can register here.
Aires en het boek van Sinterklaas @Natlab | 27 November
You, the other children, and Aires are waiting for the good Sinterklaas's arrival, but then things go all wrong. A mean thief has stolen all the letters from Sinterklaas' book. Now what? Will no one get presents this year? Of course not! Together with Aires and a real magician, you are going to save the Sinterklaas festivities. Are you ready?

Sinterklaashuis @Steentjeskerk | t/m 4 December
Get your pieten diploma, make pepernoten and see the Sints' study. It's all possible at Sinterklaashuis Eindhoven. You can also take a look in the gift room and pay a visit to Sinterklaas. If you go, remember to bring your drawing or Sinterklaas mail. Grab your chance and hand it over to 'Mail piet'!
Sinterklaas movies @Pathé | t/m 30 November
The Sinterklaasjournaal is a lot of fun, but for more Sinterklaas adventures, you can go to the cinema called Pathé. Two Sinterklaas movies are showing here: De Grote Sinterklaasfilm: Gespuis in de Speelgoedkluis en De club van Sinterklaas en de race tegen de klok.