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Eindhoven from A to Z: Rock City

As the 21st century unfolded, Eindhoven's rock 'n' roll pride, Peter Pan Speedrock, wrote "Rockcity," a tribute to the city's vibrant underground music scene. With thunderous guitars, lightning-fast drums, and relentless basslines, Eindhoven proudly embraces its status as a rock metropolis. Whether or not you're a fan of punk, metal, or hard rock, one can't ignore that the "R" in Eindhoven stands for Rock City!

Tip: Do you really want to experience the "R" of Rockcity? We've got just the playlist for you! 

We’ll kick off with the obvious—the Effenaar. This iconic music venue offers a haven for guitar enthusiasts. Countless rock legends have left their sacred marks on the stage, from Ramones and Talking Heads to Pearl Jam, U2, Nirvana, and Red Hot Chili Peppers. Feeling a bit starstruck, are you? Truth be told, many of these bands came to Eindhoven during the early days of their careers. Want to brag about discovering future world artists at Effenaar? Grab the Effenaar Clubcard for a mere 75 euros per year and gain access to all performances in the small concert hall (kleine zaal) and satellite locations all over the city. Is that a good deal or what?

Dive into the rock city sewers

For an unforgettable party with unparalleled noise, Eindhoven is the ultimate destination. Festivals like Dynamo Metalfest, Revolution Calling, Eindhoven Metal Meeting, and Helldorado draw enthusiasts from across Europe. Yet, according to rock purists, the true essence of Eindhoven Rock City lies deep underground—echoing through the metaphorical sewers of the city. Places like Stroomhuisje, Blue Collar Hotel, De Altstadt, The Jack, and POPEI let your ears ring with the musical prowess of both budding talents and seasoned rock veterans. Want to know more? Check out our list of 11x Music Venues or discover the promising future of Eindhoven Rock City.

Become a rockstar yourself

Are you dreaming of becoming a rock legend or contributing behind the scenes to the future of rock & roll? Look no further than the Rock City Institute, an educational program at Summa College. They'll mold you into a legend in the making, ensuring that, 50 years from now, someone will sing your praises for the unforgettable performances you delivered. Not looking for that much glory? You can always just have some fun at one of the many practice spaces of Eindhoven. Search for ‘Oefenruimte Eindhoven’ and take your pick!

Eindhoven from A to Z

Curious about what defines Eindhoven? We asked newcomers, enthusiastic visitors, and locals alike. The outcome? The ultimate Eindhoven alphabet – from Area 51 to the Z of 'Zachte G'. No idea what that means? We'll tell you all about it! 

Discover the Eindhoven alphabet