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Hobbies and sports for seniors

Let's start by saying that you're as young as you feel. So if you're thinking, "I'm nowhere near my old age!" feel free to click away. But if you're embracing your golden years and could use some inspiration for a new hobby or sport, keep reading!

A quick note before we start: the predominant language at most locations mentioned here is Dutch. However, many Dutch people are fluent in English, so language should not pose a barrier. If you have any concerns, simply give them a call to confirm!

Get creative & crafty 

For just 40 euros a year, you can join Stadshobbycentrum (city hobby center). They organize a bunch of activities for their members every week. From clay sculpting and woodworking to painting, jewelry making, 3D printing, and even glassblowing, there's almost no hobby you can't pursue here. Whether you're a seasoned hobbyist or an enthusiastic beginner, you'll be warmly welcomed.

Volunteer at one of the Repair Cafés

In Eindhoven, you'll find eight Repair Cafés. These are places where people can bring their broken appliances, torn clothes, bikes with flat tires, and more. The best part? Repairs are free! All those Repair Cafés are often on the lookout for new volunteers. So if you're handy with a sewing machine or a toolbox and enjoy helping others, you can easily become a repair expert. They also often need hosts and hostesses to serve coffee, welcome people, and have a chat with visitors. Great if you want to practice your Dutch. If you're not so handy and prefer other volunteer work, check out this list. Most of these 14 spots welcome English speakers! 

Recommended read: We recently visited one of the Repair Cafés, and you can read all about it in this article.

Repair Café Eindhoven

Stay active with Oldstar sports

Do you want to stay somewhat fit in your old age? Then Oldstars sports are perfect for you. These sports, like soccer, tennis, hockey, or basketball, have a slightly slower pace. They also include an extensive warm-up with strength exercises tailored to your level. You don't need prior experience in a sport, and you don't have to be super athletic, but it's helpful if you can still walk independently. You can search for a nearby sports association on the Oldstars website.

Cultivate your green thumb in an allotment garden

If you love gardening but don't have your own yard, Eindhoven offers plenty of volkstuinen (allotment garden associations). Allotment plots are popular, so you might end up on a waiting list. The good news is that you can often become an "assisting member." This means you don't have your own garden but can participate in someone else's garden. Send an email to an association near you to inquire if anyone could use some help.

A great alternative is the Phood Community Farm. You may know Phood from the restaurant by the canal. They also have an urban farm on Rielsedijk. If you work there for about seven hours a month, you'll receive a 50% discount on fresh organic products in return. And what tastes better than vegetables you've grown yourself?

Handjevol aardbeien

Find or become a buddy at Maatje040

Maatje040 (Buddy + our area code 040) connects people in Eindhoven so they can do something fun or useful together. They have buddy programs for various activities, including home repairs, language practice, grocery shopping, fun outings, and much more. So if you could use a buddy or would like to help others occasionally, sign up quickly!

Join a seniors' association

The largest seniors' association in Eindhoven is PVGE. They originally started as the Philips Vereniging van Gepensioneerden Eindhoven (Philips Association for Retired Employees Eindhoven), but their connection to Philips is now purely historical. So no matter where you've worked, or even if you've never worked, you'll find a ton of fun clubs at PVGE Eindhoven that welcome anyone aged 50 or older. They have a table tennis club, a camping club, a mini-golf club, a photography club, a mountain hiking club, and a bridge club, just to name a few. The association also organizes various lectures and activities. With nearly 2,500 members, you're bound to make new friends to do fun things with here!

Senior-friendly sports in every neighborhood

From tai chi to aikido and from canoeing to dance lessons, there's almost no sport you can't try as a senior in Eindhoven. Because the options can be overwhelming, the municipality of Eindhoven has created a handy search engine where you can filter activities by age, intensity, and type of sport. You can also attend a free trial class for almost all activities. Need help choosing? This (Dutch) online guide lists all activities for seniors organized by neighborhood. You can also have the booklet delivered to your home by sending an email with your address details to