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THE VIBE of Alek Geerings

Meet Alek, an award-winning visual artist who exhibited worldwide, an international model for brands like Vogue and Gucci, and the owner of The Kingstonian. She was born in beautiful Jamaica and has now settled in Eindhoven. In case you've never heard of The Kingstonian, it's a space where great Jamaican(!) food and drinks, events, workshops, art, and social connection merge into one. And a space through which Alek shares lots of energy. Learn more about her and her gem on the VDMA complex down below! 

What gives you energy?

'Good vibes give me energy. Good food, good people, good music, all of the above! If we're talking about what motivates me, I'd say having a positive impact and creating spaces and experiences where people can thrive and expand.'

THE VIBE of Alek
THE VIBE of Alek

How do you share THE VIBE?* 

'I'm always inviting people to my city (Eindhoven). I'm always asking people to visit my city. Most people I know are from Amsterdam because they're in the fashion industry, but I make it my active duty to invite them and show them around the city. I recently had friends from Jamaica, and I connected them to people in the city that I believed would create an organic connection and growth. 

Sharing the beauty of Eindhoven with people who've never even heard of it more than the 'place of lights' is something I enjoy as it allows me to learn more about the city as well. I've only been here a few years, so I’m still learning and adjusting.'

*THE VIBE can stand for both the clothing brand and the city's energy. 

Alek Geerings
Good vibes give me energy. Good food, good people, good music, all of the above!

What is your favorite place in Eindhoven?

'The Kingstonian! Because it's the only place, I can sit and indulge in authentic Jamaican food and drinks, haha. I also love horses and being on a farm. Is it odd to say farms as an answer to this question? Animals are great. They're kind, loving, and joyful. They give me a 'feel good feeling.'

What's your favorite item in your closet?

'My shooooes!!!'

THE VIBE van Alek

The best place to experience the Eindhoven energy?

'It's hard to decide.' 

Editor's note: it's a tough decision, but, as mentioned above, The Kingstonian is a must-visit for many reasons. It's a great place to experience the Eindhoven energy, so you know. 


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